Every now and then we take a moment to celebrate some of the great feedback we get at Parallel. This is one of those moments. Honest and hardworking. That's how we were described just now. PLUS I show you some of the video tools we use to advertise properties.
The fact is tenants like renting from people they can see themselves working with down the road.
The best way to keep you in control of your rental property is to give you the rent. Believe it or not many managers don't do that - they keep it in their trust account and pay it out to you when they're good and ready. We think that isn't quite right. Watch this video for more on this topic.
Maintaining your property is tops on our list. We're available 24/7 to ensure all is well and when something needs fixing we get your approval FIRST. Like everything we do we want to work #WITHyou. This means we consult with you before we make any expenditures.
For a rental property to be profitable you need great tenants. Parallel has exerted a lot of energy to attract and maintain the best possible tenants at the best possible rates. Check out this video for a few thoughts on the topic.
Whether you're a property owner or tenant rental properties require special considerations for insurance. This video gives you some ideas to think about when purchasing insurance. Oh, and we have a lot of fun, too.
We've been working with Michael at Hank's Plumbing for years. Our great relationship guarantees great results for our clients. Check out this video for some plumbing tips BUT EVEN MORESO check it out to see how much fun we have!
Even in a tough market you can still secure great tenants for your rentals and it doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg.
It’s key to build in a 10% management fees to your projected expenses when you’re looking at investing. Whether you’re a DIY manager (and thus pay it to yourself) or not - you’ll know you have the option to outsource the management of your properties should another adventure put demands on your time that take you away from your rentals.